CSE faculty

D D V Sivaram Rolangi
B.Tech., M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
University College of Engineering Vizianagaram, JNTUK

To attain a challenging role in Teaching where my Teaching skills can be put in for the successful grooming of students into real-time professionals.

Date-of-Birth: 06-06-1981. BLOOD GROUP: B+ PARENTS: Rolangi Satyanarayana Rolangi Vijayalaxmi SIBLINGS: R.V Rama Laxmi. SPOUSE : U .V.Bhagya Laxmi CHILDREN: · Dakshinya Samvidha · Vallabh SRI SRI · Chiraswi Samvidha · Yasaswi Samvidha · Gunaswi Samvidha NATIONALITY: Indian RELIGION: Hindu NATIVE VILLAGE: Lammasingi, AP HOBBIES : Teaching & Practicing Yoga Playing cricket |
Reading books & ancient scriptures
Reading books & ancient scriptures


B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
▪ 1999– 2003.
V R Siddhartha College of Engineering, Vijayawada.,Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh.
M.Tech in Information Technology
▪ 2004– 2006.
Andhra University College of Engineering (Autonomous), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
Currently Pursuing Ph.D. from Andhra University Under Visvesaraya Fellowship Scheme, Viskhapatnam,Andhra Pradesh,INDIA
.2016 Admitted.

ASSISTANT Professor at UCEV-JNTUK Vizianagaram.
- 07-JAN-2013 To till date.
ASSISTANT Professor at GVP College of Engineering for Women, Madhurawada,Visakhapatnam.
- JUN-2010 to 06 –JAN- 2013.
ASSISTANT Professor at Chaitanya College of Engineering, Kommadi,Visakhapatnam.
- AUG-2006 to JUN- 2010.

- Training Placement Officer from Dec 2019 to till date.
- Member of Equal opportunity cell-UCEV-JNTUK.
- SC/ST Cell Cordinator - UCEV-JNTUK.
- Deputy Warden for University Hostels from Feb 2016 to 2019.
- Network & Systems Coordinator from 2014 to 2016.

Governing body member (University nominee) to LENDI Institute of Technology,Jonnada,Vizianagaram.

- Computer Vision.
- IoT .
- AI & Deep Learning.
- Assisted Technology and Cyber Physical Systems.

Successfully completed the 10-month International project (Japan) of Improving Semantic Segmentation Model accuracy Using MSCOCO and PascalVOC datasets during 2018 of worth 2.5 lakhs.
Successfully completed the 03-month International project(Japan) of MRI Coronary Artery Detection using deep learning techniques during 2017. of worth 5.0 lakhs.

Formal Languages & Automata Theory
Compiler Design
Data Structures
Network programming
MEAN Stack technologies
Cloud computing
Computer Programming
Open-source Tools
Unix & Linux Programming
Flex ,Yacc & Bison
Computer Vision
Deep Learning
Cyber-Physical Systems
Wireless Sensor Networks
Physical Computing
Internet of Everything
Semantic Web
Live Data Analytics using Open tools


Teaching & Practising Yoga

1. Organising coordinator for " A Three Day online FDP on Advanced Teaching Tools Techniques and Methodologies for Outcome Based
Education" conducted by Directorate of Faculty Development Center-JNTUK held on 9th-11th September 2020.
2. Organising Coordinator for Online CSE Alumni meet held On 5th September 2020.
3. Organising coordinator for "One Day Workshop on EdTech Tools in Teaching Learning" conducted by Dept of CSE ,UCEV-JNTUK held on 5th October 2019.
4. Organising Coordinator for the workshop entitled " Block chain" at UCEV-JNTUK held on 18th -19th Feb,2019.
5. Organising coordinator for"Two day instructional workshop on Python Programming" at UCEV-JNTUK held on 01-02 July 2017.
6. Conducted/Organised a workshop on e-Nidhi(CFMS) for District level medical officers and paramedical staff at UCEV-JNTUK on

Delivered a Talk on “The essence of Yoga ” Induction and Orientation program for 2019 admitted batch at UCEV- JNTUK, on 22/08/2019.
Delivered a talk on " Compiler Design" a one day workshop for students held at Saint Theresa Engineering college ,Garividi on 30/08/2019.
Delivered a talk on " Formal Languages and Automata Theory" a one day workshop for students held at Saint Theresa Engineering college,Garividi on 08/02/2020.
Delivered a talk on Webinar "FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT USING MEAN TECHNOLGIES" organized by CSI Student Branch of GVP College of Engineering for Women,Mdhurawada,Visakhapatnam on 23/06/2020.
Delivered a talk on "Python OpenCV, Matplot lib" at a two day workshop on "Advanced Python Tools" organised by Sai Ganapathi Engineering Colleg,Gidijala,Visakhapatnam Dist on 24/09/2019.
Delivered a talk on "Python Programming & Applications" at a two day workshop on "Advanced Python Tools" organised by Sai Ganapathi Engineering Colleg,Gidijala,Visakhapatnam Dist on 24/09/2019.
Delivered a talk on "Advanced python tool-kits " at a two days workshop on "Advanced Python Tools" organised by Visakha Institute of Engineering &Technology,Narava,Visakhapatnam on 19/09/2018.
Acted as a judge for Techno talk organised by Pragati Engineering College,Suram Palem, Kakinada. on 06-03-2018.
Acted as member of the evaluating committee for POLY TECH FEST-2018 organised by district nodal polytechnic in Vizianagaram district on 10-09-2018.
Delivered a guest lecture on "Kaa IoT" at Sree Vidyanikethan College of Engineering,Tirupathi on 16/09/2016.
Delivered a guest lecture on " Arduino platform" at Sree Vidyanikethan College of Engineering,Tirupathi on 16/09/2016.
Delivered a guest lecture on " IoT and its Application " at Vizag Institute of Technology ,Dakamarri,Vizianagaram on 19/08/2016.
Delivered a talk on " Kaa Opensource IoT platform" at a Two day National workshop on "Fog Computing and IoT" held at UCEV-JNTUK,Vizianagaram on 29/03/2016.
Conducted a practical session on " YOGA & Fitness" for all the teaching and non-teaching staff of UCEV-JNTUK on 18-08-2015.

Successfully completed CCNA (V7) Master training from CISCO Eduskills Academy during 22 May 2020 to 10 June 2020.
Successfully completed AWS Cloud Practitioner Master training during 12 June 2020 to 19 June 2020.
Five day APSSDC online FDP on" Source code Management & Technical Documentation" from 13-07-2020 to 18-07-2020.
One week Online FDP on "PYTHON WEB APPLICATIONS USING FLASK AND DJANGO" from 1/6/2020 to 6/6/2020 organized by Dept.of CSE, Pragati Engineering College in Association with Spoken Tutorial, IT Bombay.
Participated in "PLASTIC FREE DAY QUIZ " organized by NSS Unit of UCEV-JNTUK on 03-07-2020.
Attended a two day national level technical symposium at UCEV-JNTUK during
Participated in National level online quiz on Outcome Based Education(OBE) on 15/6/2020 organized by Pragati Engineering College(A),Surampalem,kakinada.
A Two day workshop on Mobile app development by SWECHA -Andhra Pradesh at UCEV-JNTUK, during 21-22 September 2019.
One week workshop on “Research Challenges and issues in Big data and Cloud Computing” on 27th to 31st January 2015 held at UCEV_JNTUK.
UGC-Sponsored orientation course held from 07/12/2015 to 03/01/2016 at UGC-HRDC, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
MHRD sponsored a two-week Refresher Course on Algorithms, Computation and Compilation organized by Dept. of CSE, NIT Warangal, AP from 25th August 2008 to 6th September 2008.
National Programme for Training of Scientists and Technologists “Creativity and innovation management in Research” a DST sponsored program organised by ESCI, Hyderabad from 11/Nov/2013 to 15/Nov/2013.
Summer school on “Wireless Networks: Research issues and applications” at NIT Rourkala from May 19th to May 23rd, 2014.
A two-day National level Hands-on workshop on “Multicore Programming using CUDA” at JNTU Kakinada during 9th and 10th June 2014.
Participated in A National level student Technical Symposium “TECHNO FEST-2003” on 6th Jan2003 at VRSEC,VIJAYAWADA.
Attended “ open source and IBM community edition workshop” held at Chaitanya Engg. College,Visakapatnam. during 22nd and 23rd June 2007.
National workshop on “Data mining and Business Intelligence” held at” Chitanya Engg College,Visakhapatnam. During 11th & 12th Aug 2007.
One day workshop on “Big data Analytics & Cloud Computing “at JNTU Kakinada held on 29/06/2013.
Attended “Workshop for Training resource persons on outcome Based Accreditation – Phase II” held at UCEV – JNTUK, Vizianagaram.on 26th – 28th Sept 2013.
Attended “ a one day workshop on”Turnitin – An Anti-plagiarism Software “ on 24th Jan 2016 at JNTU KAKINADA.
Attended “ A Two-day national workshop on “pattern Recognition & its applications “ by Dept of I.T,UCEV – JNTUK.during 19th & 20th March,2014.
Attended “ a three day FDP on SoftSkills for effective Teaching “at UCEV – JNTUK during 13 – 15 June 2013.
Attended “ A Two day National level workshop on”Recent Research Trends in UCEV – JNTUK, during 21st & 22nd June,2013.
Attended “ A One day workshop on Outcome Based Engineering education “ held on 17/02/2013 in JNTUK Kakinada.
“Workshop for Training Resource persons on outcome based Accreditation – Phase I”at UCEV – JNTUK,on 13th Sept 2013.
Attended a 5-day introductory workshop on “ A Foundation course on Human values and professional ethics “ held at UGC-ASC, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam from 5th -9th January 2015.
Attended “ A Two-day national workshop on “Fog Computing & IoT “ by Dept of CSE, UCEV – JNTUK.during 28th & 29th March,2016.
Attended “ A Two day national workshop on “Image Processing & Security Technologies“ by Dept of IT,UCEV – JNTUK.during 23rd & 24th January,2015.

Published a paper entitled "Deep Learning -Based Segmentation of the Coronary Artery Region in the Cardiac MRI images Using U-Net model"on TEST,Volume No:83,ISSN:0193-4210,Page No.14223-14232,Publication issue :May-June 2020.
- Published a paper entitled” An Effective Way to High Secure Data Storage in Public Clouds for Organizations ” on International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume VIII, ISSN NO : 2249-7455, Issue I, January,2018.
- Published a paper entitled” DEEP LEARNING AND IOT BASED IMAGE AUDIO ANNOTATION TOOL FOR VISUALLY CHALLENGED ” on A Journal of Composition Theory, Volume X, Issue II, ISSN : 0731-6755,2017.
Published a paper entitled” A framework using Semantic web for web-based learning system” on International Journal of Research in Advanced Computer Science Engineering, Volume No:1, ISSN No: 2454-423X ,issue No:11(April-2016).
Presented a Paper Title “ Finest round Rabin Scheduling Algorithm Using effective Time Quantum” at National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science – 2014(NCETCS’14) at UCEV – JNTUK on 28th and 29th March 2014.

S.No |
Name of the Faculty Member |
Qualification |
University |
Year of Graduation |
Date of Joining |
Subject |
Regular/Contract/Adjunct |
1 |
Dr.R.RajyaLakshmi |
Ph.D |
2009 |
24.01.2013 |
Network Security, Image Processing and Soft computing |
Regular |
2 |
Dr.R.Rajesawra Rao |
Ph.D |
2010 |
03.01.2013 |
Speech Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Cloud Computing |
Regular |
3 |
Dr.A.S.N.Chakravarthy |
Ph.D |
2011 |
01.01.2013 |
Cloud Privacy, Digital Forensics and Biometrics |
Regular |
4 |
Mr.N.Venkatesh |
M.Tech,(Ph.D) |
Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata |
2008 |
09.01.2013 |
Compilers and Parallel Computing |
Regular |
5 |
Dr.T.SivaRamaKrishna |
M.Tech,Ph.D |
AU |
2010 |
02.01.2013 |
Cyber Security, Forensics |
Regular |
6 |
Dr.P.Arunakumari |
Ph.D |
2020 |
01.01.2013 |
Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Biometrics, and Soft Computing |
Regular |
7 |
Dr.S.Radha Krishna |
M.Tech,Ph.D |
1997 |
03.01.2013 |
Pattern Recognition, Speech Processing, Data Mining, and DBMS |
Regular |
8 |
Dr. S. Surekha |
Ph.D |
2021 |
08.01.2013 |
Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Soft Computing |
Regular |
9 |
Mr.R.D.D.V.Sivaram |
M.Tech,(Ph.D) |
AU |
2006 |
07.01.2013 |
Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things |
Regular |
10 |
Mr.Y.V.Amardeep |
M.Tech |
2010 |
20.02.2012 |
Cyber Security |
Contract |
11 |
Mr.S.Ashok |
M.Tech |
2013 |
01.10.2013 |
Data Analytics and Predictive Analytics |
Contract |
12 |
Mr.V.Laxmiprasad |
M.Tech |
2014 |
25.02.2015 |
Wireless Sensor Networks |
Contract |
13 |
Mr.V.Narayana Rao |
M.Tech |
2012 |
19.09.2016 |
Computer Networks |
Contract |
14 |
Ms.M.Geetha Madhuri |
M.Tech |
2017 |
12.07.2017 |
Computer Networks, Machine Learning, Data Base Management Systems |
Contract |
S.No |
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
Date of Joing |
Association |
1 |
Mr.B.Maheswara Rao |
Diploma(CSE) |
Mechanic |
01-10-2009 |
2 |
Mr.M.SurapuNaidu |
Technician |
12-11-2008 |
3 |
Mr.N.SanyasiRao Yadav |
B.A |
Technician |
14-12-2007 |
4 |
Mrs.P.Janaki |
M.A |
Attendar |
13-06-2013 |