“Canteen and took a long swig. The dragon smacked its tongue several times, making it clear that it too needed”

JNTUK, University College of Engineering has the facility of a spacious and clean canteen that caters to the taste of all students. Canteen can conveniently accommodate good number of students at a time and well maintenance with efficient service in the campus. The canteen is provided with good furniture and best cooking and storing facilities, which provides hot lunch, snacks and beverages both to the students and staff at reasonable rates. It remains open on all working days. Beverages of different flavors are served on different days according to different seasons. It was a place where students unwind and relax with friends to enjoy good quality, delicious and healthy food and it was a treat for students. This place helps students to congregate not only to eat but also to exchange their views.

“ Of course the delicate taste of the canteen’s food satisfied the taste buds and the appetite of devil stomach..”

Food for brain is supplied in classrooms and food for body is supplied at cafeteria. The spacious cafeteria offers varieties of delicious and hygienic food for the young minds. Apart from breakfast, lunch and dinner, students can have snacks, tea, coffee, soft drinks and confectionery. A team of experienced members closely monitor the quality of food and consistently upgrade the menu to match the tastes of young generation. Students can select their food from the menu which contains vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes at reasonable rates. There are separate cabins for faculty and students. In addition, a fresh choice bakery outlet is also available within the campus.