
To equip students  with scientific and mathematical concepts, communication and managerial  skills, best human and professional values to apply these in acquiring competence and excellence in creating solutions to problems in society and nature.


  • Impart widened knowledge in Physical and Chemical sciences to suit the needs of engineering graduates to execute their research in such areas by igniting, promoting enthusiasm and creating interest through innovative instructional methods.
  • Educate students to model problems mathematically in engineering, society and nature and create appropriate solutions by providing basic and advanced mathematical knowledge.
  • Prepare students to work in tandem with social life by ensuring deep appreciation and critical understanding of English language and attaining communication skills to prosper in their professional careers.
  • Provide accessible education in the principles and application of management by preparing students to understand and be productive in the work environment.
  • Train the students to lead the life with values, ethics, and environment friendly by helping them to acquire human values, professional ethics, and environmental concepts.