Administrative Profile

The Governor of Andhra Pradesh is the Chancellor of the University. The Vice-Chancellor is the Academic Head and Principal Executive Officer of the University. The Executive Council of the University is the Highest Body mainly concerned with the overall management of the University. Members of this council are drawn from the Government, Industry and Academicians from within the University and experts from outside. The Vice-Chancellor of the University is the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Advisory Bodies

The Executive Council is assisted by Academic Senate, Planning and Monitoring Board, Finance Committee and Selection Committee. The Academic Senate advises the Executive Council on matters relating to the Faculty, Curriculum and evaluation methods.

Planning and Monitoring Board

The Planning and Monitoring Board shall be the principal planning and reviewing body and it shall also arrange for periodical monitoring of the developmental programmes and teaching and research in the University

Officers of the University

  • Vice-Chancellor
  • Rector
  • Registrar
  • Directors of various units
  • Principals of Constituent Colleges and
  • Finance Officer

Board of Studies

Different faculties have Board of Studies headed by a Chairman and Members drawn from academics and industry. There is a provision for students on the Board of Studies. The Director, Academic and Planning is the convener for all the Boards of Studies of the University. All the decisions of the Boards of Studies will be put to the Academic Senate for its approval.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises on all matters relating to the finances and budget of the University.